How to change your Ad moderation settings:
Setting Options and what they mean:
Lucit has four different ways to keep up with your ad moderation: Team Approved, Team Approved+Auto Approver, Let the Lucit Auto Approver decide, and Run all ads. You can decide which option you would like to use based off how much time you wish to spend approving ads.
Team Approved:
Only ads that have been manually approved by a member of your team will be able to run. All other ads will queue until they are either manually approved or rejected. Use this setting only if you have notifications enabled, and you are always available to approve ads.
Team Approved+Auto Approver:
In addition to team member approvals, any ads that have been approved by the Lucit Auto Approver will also be able to run. All other ads will queue until they are either approved or rejected. Use this setting to reduce the amount of manual labor involved in approving ads by allowing the auto approver to identify and approve ads that meet a high enough quality threshold.
Let the Lucit Auto Approver Decide:
Let the auto approver make the decision to approve or reject ads automatically. Use this setting if you do not wish to review ads manually and you trust the auto approver to make the right decisions. If the auto approver rejects an ad, it will notify the user that their ad has been rejected, but it will not provide a reason, nor will it notify you that an ad has been rejected.
Run All Ads:
All ads that are posted by users, will automatically start running unless a member of your team reviews and manually rejects them. Use this setting if you trust the Lucit users who are posting ads to your screens and want their ads to start running automatically with no delays. You will still have the ability to reject ads manually after they are posted if you wish.