Get the most out of your holiday campaigns by using Lucit!
Upload Full-Size Creatives or Use the Post Template
Use Lucit's post feature to upload a predesigned holiday creative or use your already loaded post template to share a festive photo and caption! Upload as many holiday creatives as you want and they'll go straight to the billboard, no need to go back and forth with a rep!

Schedule Ahead of Time
Get a head start by using the Scheduler to make sure your holiday ads don't play until you're ready. To make sure you don't have to remember to take them down, just set an end date for the creative and they will automatically stop playing at that time. Talk about easy!
Fine Tune the Frequency of Plays
Don't forget to fine-tune how often you want the creatives to play. Using the Frequency Adjuster, you can set your holiday creatives to run more often than your normal inventory. Just move the sliders until each creative is getting the percentage of plays you want and then sit back and enjoy the holidays.
For more info on making your own full-size creatives, visit our How to make your own Full-Size Creative blog post!
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