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Results found for "inventory connectivity"
Blog Posts (280)
- Lucit Brings Inventory Connectivity to On-Premises Billboards
With Lucit, sign owners can connect their data feeds to run inventory on their screens automatically. Lucit connects directly to data feeds to automatically generate creatives based on inventory. With Lucit's inventory connectivity, advertisers can streamline their billboard management process and and schedule their digital billboard creatives in real-time from their desktop or phone, and brings connectivity
- Revolutionary Platform to Connect Vehicle Inventory Data to Digital Billboards
With Lucit, dealerships can now connect their live vehicle inventory directly to digital billboards, The platform utilizes the latest technology to seamlessly connect dealerships' inventory management systems By providing an easy and automated way to promote their current inventory, Lucit is helping dealers stay
- Inventory Sells Inventory – Why your Creative Matters
Inventory sells inventory, plain and simple. We have seen a 200% increase in CTRs on ads that are promoting a SPECIFIC vehicle in your inventory rather Because when you show a consumer the actual inventory (real time), it becomes much more interesting than Inventory sells inventory. Period.
Pages (39)
- OOH New Client Inspiration and Ideas
AUTOMOTIVE • Automated vehicle inventory connectivity • Hiring campaigns • Directions to dealership location Employees (like top sales person or employee of the month) • Monthly incentives REAL ESTATE • MLS listing connectivity connectivity • Discounts/Sales • Star employees • Common uses for equipment • Equipment service ads connectivity • Service ads (oil changes, winterizing, etc.) • Hiring campaigns • Seasonal advice (like connectivity • Hiring campaigns • Holidays hours JEWELRY STORES • Jewelry inventory connectivity • Sales
- Lucit News and Press
Lucit Brings Inventory Connectivity to On-Premises Billboards Bismarck, ND 05/2023 --- - Lucit, the leading Bismarck, ND 05/2023 --- Lucit, the leading provider of digital billboard inventory connectivity software connectivity software, announces a new integration... connectivity software, is proud to announce an... billboard inventory connectivity software, is proud to announce an...
- Lucit | WestGate Cars
Problem WestGate was looking for a simple, automated way to market their vehicle inventory and post creatives Solution Using Lucit's automotive inventory connectivity and template builder, the campaign goals were WestGate is now successfully running an inventory campaign that automatically updates with their dealer Summary WestGate's campaign demonstrated the prowess of Lucit's unique tool in automating inventory-based implementation of the campaign highlighted Lucit's role in revolutionizing the way advertisers manage and update content