Adams Outdoor, a leading outdoor advertising company, faced two challenges. Firstly, they needed to attract new automotive dealers who had not used billboards in over 30 years. Secondly, an existing auto dealer was constantly requesting changes to their creatives, which required significant manual labor and was time-consuming for the company.
Adams Outdoor partnered with Lucit, a digital billboard software company, to implement their Digital Billboard application. Lucit's data connectivity and post features allowed Adams Outdoor to quickly and easily update their content with relevant and current information, which attracted new automotive dealers who had not used billboards in over 30 years.
Furthermore, Lucit's automation capabilities allowed Adams Outdoor to constantly change creatives for an existing auto dealer, saving significant manual labor and streamlining the advertising process for the company.

Through the use of Lucit's Digital Billboard application, Adams Outdoor was able to attract new automotive dealers who had not used billboards in over 30 years, resulting in increased revenue for the company. Additionally, the automation capabilities of the application saved significant manual labor and streamlined the advertising process, resulting in cost savings for the company.
Overall, Lucit's Digital Billboard application provided Adams Outdoor with an innovative solution to attract new automotive dealers and streamline their advertising process, allowing them to increase revenue and reduce costs.