Connection to
Any Player
Integration between player software and Lucit is easy.
We’ve previously integrated with Apparatix, Formetco, Scala, Dot2Dot, Blip, Daktronics and Watchfire. Using a different player? We can set up a technology meeting to get a new player software added to our integration list.
After initial integration, the traffic team only has to load one dynamic Lucit feed per client and Lucit will take care of the creatives. Traffic teams will no longer have to worry about updating creatives for that client.
Connection to
Client Data
Lucit can connect to any inventory management system; primary industries that utilize Lucit include real estate, automotive, agriculture, and recreational.
We’ve worked with numerous data partner including FlexMLS, DealersLink, CDK Global, HomeNet, Dealer Specialities, Paragon, CarsForSale, PX Automotive, Navica MLS, VINSolutions, and Machine Finder, to name a few.
No inventory management system? No problem. Lucit’s post feature is perfect for all other industries such as retail or healthcare.

Increase Revenue from Key Industries
Get key industries like automotive and real estate companies on your screens by offering them seamless integrations to their data systems.
After initial integration, your traffic team only has to load one dynamic Lucit feed per client and Lucit will take care of the creatives making it easy for clients to use.
Meet Customer Expectations
Clients have high expectations for their advertising campaigns, and they expect real-time stats, complete control, and an easy-to-use interface. These things are commonplace in most advertising industries, but not Out Of Home. We're changing that, making it easy for you to meet and exceed client expectations.
Operator Benefits
Traffic team loads one dynamic Lucit feed at campaign start. Lucit means there doesn’t need to be any correspondence between the client, sales executive, and traffic team for creative changes ever.
Clients can access their stats through the app, removing any need for sales executives to manually send stats to clients.
Operator Pricing
Lucit uses a tiered pricing model based on Monthly Minimum Pricing to start, and per-play pricing after you have reached a play count above the minimum. The minimum amounts are grouped into bands of pricing based on market size (number of screens) as seen below:
1-19 Screens
$500 monthly minimum
200,000 total plays
20-59 Screens
$1,000 monthly minimum
400,000 total plays
60-99 Screens
$1,500 monthly minimum
600,000 total plays
100+ Screens
$2,000 monthly minimum
800,000 total plays
As the total number of plays in a billing period exceeds each level of the pricing model, you receive lower pricing rates for those plays (see below).
Pricing is calculated at the end of each 28 day period. Anything after the minimum is billed on number of plays that hit the Lucit system from your screen using the grid below. Unused plays do not carry over from month to month.
​"Price Per Slot" is based on 8 second slots which generate 1350 plays per day.
Total Plays:
Up to 1,000,000
1,000,001 to 2,500,000
2,500,001 to 5,000,000
5,000,001 to 10,000,000
Over 10,000,000
Price per
Thousand Plays:
$2.50 USD
$1.10 USD
$0.45 USD
$0.20 USD
$0.10 USD
Price per
$94.50 USD
$41.58 USD
$17.01 USD
$7.56 USD
$3.78 USD
I PITCHED FROM MY PHONE yesterday with a group of realtors and it worked great. Should have them signed up next week.
Bill Durden
Durden Outdoor Displays
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