Allison Outdoor began in 1958 as a custom sign and billboard company. Allison has grown to become the largest outdoor advertising company in Western North Carolina and North Georgia with 1,270 static faces and 29 digitals. Allison Outdoor was looking for a way to provide their automotive clients creative control in order to increase customer satisfaction and reduce labor time for the scheduling / traffic department.
Allison Outdoor implemented the Lucit Digital Billboard application to help their customers manage their digital billboard campaigns. With Lucit, they were able to streamline their campaign creative uploading process and save labor hours.

Allison Outdoor was able to generate an average of 220-230 creatives each month for customers using the Lucit application for display on their digitals. With Lucit, they were able to track the success of their campaigns, including a monthly average of 14% of vehicles sold that were advertised on their automotive campaigns. Furthermore, Allison Outdoor was able to save 1,043+ labor hours per month on their Lucit campaigns, with a labor hours saved calculation of vehicle creatives x 10 mins, complete creatives x 5 min, and post creatives x 5 minutes. This was a significant reduction in labor hours required for these campaigns.
By utilizing the Lucit Digital Billboard application, Allison Outdoor was able to reduce the amount of work their scheduling teams were spending on changing out customer creatives and was able to provide their customers with more control over the ads that were running.