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Real Estate

Lucit Real Estate Campaigns Generate 31 Creatives Per Month (on avg.)
“My brand and creativity are precious to me. Lucit has given me the freedom to advertise and share on an entirely new scale with the easy click of a button. With so much creative freedom and control, I now consider my digital billboards akin to my social media and perhaps an even more powerful platform.”
-Paisley Kelly Coldwell Banker Alfred Saliba Realty
Why Agents & Screen Owners Value Lucit:
Screen owners save, on average, 16 labor hours per month with Lucit's creative generation tools.
94% of Lucit real estate clients utilize an MLS connection to automatically promote their live listings data.
Agents value the ability to use the post feature, creative uploader, and creative scheduler to promote relevant content including open houses, holidays, generic offerings, events, etc.
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