Your account has been given access to a demo account for Real Estate – ” (Demo) Realty One Group”
You can access the Realty One Group account from within your existing Lucit Layout app. Simply tap the account name drop-down underneath the menu panel, and select “(Demo) Realty One Group”

Please contact your lucit account rep if you have any questions at all!
How do I install Layout?
If you don’t yet have the app, simply search “Lucit Layout” in the app store on the iPhone or Android device – Or, visit this link
See these Awesome OOH Real Estate auto-generated creatives
Realty One Group – Encore launched a new digital OOH campaign this week connected directly to their MLS system.
Patrick Koski launched the brokerage this fall, and Lucit Layout is helping him promote his homes, image, and brokerage, on eight iDigital Billboards throughout his market area.

Lucit uses direct data connectors to his MLS system through FlexMLS

Koski selects the homes he wants to run, and the app automatically generates the creatives and provides real-time and historical analytics on each home and how often it played.
Our tools gives him an additional selling point when talking with clients about the full suite of advertising options he is providing them.
Layout makes this process simple – once the templates are designed and loaded, the client has full control over which homes appear. New homes automatically are ingested into the system via the app’s connection with FlexMLS. When homes are sold or no longer available, they automatically come down.
Selling points for OOH Account Execs
Layout automatically connects to their MLS system, and Lucit handles all of the tech side
The agent or broker can decide which properties they want to promote
New properties are automatically available to them within 60 minutes of the broker adding a new property into their MLS system
The title, price, address, etc. are all completely customizable
Great photos are key!
Check out more of these auto-generated creatives below!