Custom triggers are available with the many applications Lucit has. Select some Applications here to start using triggers.
How to Set Triggers
From your account home page, click on the campaign with the ads you wish to add triggers to.
In the Creative Items list, you can use the search box or scroll down to the ad that you wish to add a trigger to.
Click on the Folder with a star on it to set custom filters and triggers.
You will click + Condition to add a new filter/trigger.
After you've created a few filters/triggers it will be easier to understand how it works and how to achieve your goals. Check out Specific Triggers you can Set to see some preset options.
Make sure to click Add if you are creating a new trigger or click the save icon if you are editing a preexisting trigger.
Specific Triggers you can Set
This ad will play only when it is forecasted to rain today.
You will need the Weather App for this Trigger
Forecast Daily Will It Rain + is True
This ad will play only when a game is currently going.
This ad will play only when the UV index is higher than 7.
This ad will play only when the temperature is below 32°F.
There are infinitely more triggers you can set then the ones outlined above. To get additional help with a trigger not outlined above you can contact support here.