How to read the approvals page
Only operator users can approve ads.
You can choose the status of posts you see by clicking on the status dropdown and choosing either: pending, approved, approved by AI, or rejected.
You will see a list of posts that follow that status.
The green star on a post shows that the post has a good rating.
The yellow question mark on a post shows that the post has a questionable rating.
The red exclamation mark on a post shows that the post has a bad rating.
You can click on the approval rating marker to see why the post has gotten that score.
You will see there are a few different accounts that created the post, you can choose to trust or not trust them by toggling the trust button.
You will see the photo, the template, and the words that will appear on the screen. If any of those have a low approval rating, you can click details to learn why the AI thought it was bad and approve the item if you disagree.
Some things the AI will identify are: profanity, offensive images or phrases, weapons, alcohol, drugs, nudity, partial nudity, and offensive images/hate symbols.
How to edit my approval settings
If you would like more info on our ad moderation options go here: Ad moderation for Operators (
How to add/remove trusted accounts
NOTE: Images from trusted users will ONLY be approved if the Moderation Score is Good. In all other cases, it will be queued for human approval.
After clicking on the approval rating icon you will see that there are some accounts that are trusted or not trusted.
You can click on the trusted/not trusted icon to toggle your trust of that account.
How to approve a post that is pending
While under the pending status, you can mass approve of posts by clicking the approve button at the bottom of the page, all the posts that have a blue checkmark next to approve will get approved when you click that button.
How to reject a post that is pending
While under the pending status, you can uncheck any approve checkmark under a post to reject it.
You will choose a reason and add any comments you wish to add, then click the reject button.
How to approve a post that has been rejected
While under the rejected status, you can click the approve button under any post you wish to approve.
How to reject a post that has been approved
While under the approved by AI status or under the approved status, you can click the reject checkbox then you can choose a reason and add any comments you wish to add, then click the reject button.