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Lucit Partners with Gateway Outdoor Advertising to Transform Digital Out-of-Home Advertising

08/2022 --- Lucit, a leading software and app provider for connecting with digital billboard screens, is excited to announce a strategic partnership with Gateway Outdoor Advertising, a trusted out-of-home advertising provider with a rich history dating back to 1937. This collaboration combines Lucit's cutting-edge technology and Gateway Outdoor Advertising's extensive network to revolutionize digital out-of-home advertising for businesses across the United States and Canada.

Lucit empowers users with inventory connectivity, creative templates, real-time statistics, and exceptional control over their advertising campaigns. This advanced technology allows businesses to create dynamic and engaging advertisements that resonate with their target audience. With an extensive network of 50,000 boards strategically placed across the region, Gateway Outdoor Advertising provides advertisers with unparalleled opportunities to reach their target audiences when they are most receptive to making purchasing decisions.¹

The partnership between Lucit and Gateway Outdoor Advertising unlocks new possibilities in the realm of digital out-of-home advertising. Advertisers can leverage Lucit's powerful software and app to seamlessly connect with Gateway Outdoor Advertising's extensive network of strategically placed digital billboards. This integration enables businesses to deliver highly targeted and impactful advertising campaigns that drive engagement and deliver measurable results.

For a full list of operators integrated with Lucit visit our Integrations page.

About Lucit

Founded in 2019, The Lucit platform allows customers to view, post, edit, manage, and schedule their digital billboard creatives in real-time from their desktop or phone, and brings connectivity to Automotive, Real Estate, and eCommerce systems by automatically generating creatives from data.

About Gateway Outdoor Advertising: Gateway Outdoor Advertising, founded in 1937, is a trusted provider of out-of-home advertising services throughout the United States and Canada. With a diverse portfolio including Transit Advertising, Bus Advertising, Bus Shelter Advertising, Convenience Store Advertising, and Billboard Advertising, Gateway Outdoor Advertising helps businesses effectively reach their target audiences and achieve their advertising goals.

¹ Billboardinsider. (2023, January 20). Billboard Insider's 2023 list of 238 US bulletin/poster companies, ranked by Digital Faces. Billboard Insider™. Retrieved January 25, 2023, from


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