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Industry Inspo Hiding in Plain Sight

This potential billboard user may be hiding in plain sight.

With Lucit, your local Department of Transportation could make the most out of digital billboards!

Promote Safety Campaigns.

Use Lucit to run campaigns for safety and control how they run with the frequency controller. Want to dedicate a month to a specific cause? Have a heat wave coming in and want to save a few pets? Use the frequency controller to promote your desired campaign a little more than the others.

Announce Road Conditions

With the post and manage feature, easily run creatives to let drivers know about weather and road conditions. Schedule, increase the frequency, and quickly take up or down creatives that let drivers know about road conditions. Remind them to take their time during the first snowfall or let them know the rain is freezing with Lucit.

Use Lucit to Update Traffic.

Use scheduled ads to let traffic know about delays and closures. You can create different campaigns with their own post templates for CRASH WARNINGS or ROAD CLOSURES and the scheduling feature Lucit offers allows you to upload any caption with an image and communicate whatever the local traffic might need to know – local closures, delays, etc.- and to plan how long it runs for.


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