On April 22, 2020 Lucit completed its first integration with digital billboards manufactured by Watchfire.
“Lucit Drive is our first-to-market technology that syncs big ticket inventory to digital billboards in real-time” notes Eric Kubischta, CTO, “and this is our third hardware/software system that we have successfully tested integrations with.”
For this run, our client was Wilhelm Motors in Jamestown, ND (with whom we ran a test on Daktronics Billboards earlier in the month of April) and the digital board owner is Newman Signs.
We utilized our standard drive export feed, and integrated it directly into Watchfire’s Ignite board controller system. We were able to refresh inventory images according to a programmed schedule and watch the inventory changes in real time on the digital board.

“As we continue to prove the viability of this technology, we will begin planning deployments across billboards throughout the United States and Canada” according to CEO Gina Gordon. “Our custom inventory application ‘Lucit Layout’ will give any automotive dealer the ability to directly control the billboards using their smartphones in real time.”
Creatives for digital billboard artwork were supplied by the client’s graphic designer according to custom specifications provided by Lucit, for seamless integration with the Lucit Drive exports.