Any kind of advertiser, operator team members, Lucit is for EVERYONE.
Weekly statistics notifications are for the advertiser that doesn’t want to manage their campaign but wants consistent proof-of-play reporting. And for the sales rep that doesn’t want to send a PDF of campaign statistics at the end of each month.
Automatic inventory connection is for the advertiser that wants to promote their inventory but doesn’t have time to manually manage it. And for operators whose process didn’t previously make sense for promotion of inventory.
Full-size creative uploader is for the advertiser that constantly wants to change their creative, but doesn’t want to have to email their sales rep every single time. And for schedulers who don’t want to schedule a new creative every other day.
Post templates are for the advertiser that wants to constantly generate new creatives, but can’t design their own full-size creatives. And for graphic designers who don’t have the time to constantly create changing content for one advertiser.