First, what is their MLS? Multiple listing service (MLS) is a database established by cooperating real estate brokers to provide data about properties for sale; this allows brokers to see one another’s listings with the goal of connecting homebuyers to sellers.
What do you need to know about their MLS? It stores all data related to listings including:
Number of bedrooms
Number of bathrooms
Number of garage spaces
Square footage
Lot acreage
Price per square foot
Listing description
Listing agent
Property type
Year built
Features such as heating, cool, included appliances, flooring types, etc.
Any information relevant to a property listed is stored in the MLS.
The data stored in the MLS is the reason real estate agents want their MLS connected to your screens. The MLS connection allows agents to choose which listings they’d like to promote and the data is used to automatically generate creatives. Lucit can use any of the data listed (price, bedrooms, bathrooms, address, listing agent, etc.) to generate creatives, like the examples below. It’s important to understand how real-time this data is. As agents update listing information in the MLS, the creatives are updated in Lucit. As prices are changed, photos are updated, listings are sold, Lucit automatically updates the appropriate creatives. The only thing the agent has to do is log in to choose the listings they wish to promote and, if they don’t even want to do that, there’s a set it and forget it method where we can set parameters to constantly promote properties in a certain price range, of a certain type, etc.
Land your real estate advertisers by telling them you can connect their MLS to your screens, and showing them this video.