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Ag Dealers Have Money For You

The agriculture equipment industry is huge. They have plenty of money to spend, and here’s how you ensure they are spending it in OOH. 

Allow them to easily promote their inventory. Lucit will connect to ag equipment dealerships’ inventory management software and automatically generate creatives based on current inventory. They are able to add/remove the equipment they wish to run in rotation by clicking a plus or trash icon. As the equipment is added or removed to the inventory management software, it is automatically added or removed from Lucit. As changes occur, such as price or photo, those changes are automatically updated in Lucit.

Allow them to easily promote open positions. Lucit will connect to ag equipment dealer websites and automatically generate creatives based on current open positions on their careers page. They are able to add/remove the positions they wish to run in rotation by clicking a plus or trash icon. As positions are added or removed to the website, they are automatically added or removed from Lucit.

Remind them their spend is working. Notify them when a piece of equipment has SOLD. This accomplishes a few things; it gets them engaging with their digital billboard campaign, it reminds them that their campaign is running and makes them feel like their spend is working, and it makes them feel like their digital screen campaign played a part in the sale, even though that may not necessarily be the case.

Sell them a slot in a language they’ll understand. Sell them a slot, but pitch it as 37,800 plays. They don’t know what slots are, other advertising mediums don’t use slots, but they do know what plays are and have, more than likely, purchased plays before. 37,800 plays also sounds much more appealing than sharing 1/8 of the space with other advertisers. Change can be difficult, but will be worth it in the long run when advertisers have a better, more familiar experience with out-of-home, and account executives have a flexible offering to pitch to new advertisers.

Have an advertiser ready to go? Let’s get them setup!

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