Century 21 Action Realtors in North Dakota and Coldwell Banker Alfred Saliba Realty’s agents in Alabama have become the first brokerages in the country to use digital billboards to publish active MLS listings in real time using the Lucit application. It’s been fantastic working with these great teams of people as they utilize the capabilities of the app.
Participating realtors at brokerages that use Lucit have access to their available properties, a general name recognition creative, and a customizable creative all on their cellphones, or a desktop app if that’s their preference. They can choose which properties they want to run, generate their own creatives, and set the frequency that each individual advertisement runs.
Realtors at Coldwell Banker Aflred Saliba Realty are expertly using the post feature. With this feature, users are allowed to upload a photo, type a caption, and an advertisement is generated using a predesigned creative template. With the creation of this feature, we imagined realtors posting things like open houses, new homeowners, just sold homes, or holiday/occasion focused banners. We love seeing the advertisements they are generating. They are taking full advantage of this feature with creative, eye-catching advertisements like a few of our favorites below.

Another feature of the app that’s been a fan favorite is the analytics feature. The norm for the digital billboard industry is that advertisers will receive statistics on their ads once a month or upon request. Lucit offers a much better solution in the app for users to quickly pull up their stats sorted by overall campaigns, individual creatives, specific inventory items, etc. Pictured below is one of the variables app users can sort by, ’Stats per Creative.’ With this built-in feature, realtors can take a screenshot of the digital billboard image that contains their client’s home listings and send it to their clients to show that the homeowner’s hired realtor has advertised their home for sale on billboards 1,000 times in the last 30 days.

Lucit is changing the way that people advertise on digital billboards; both realtors and billboard operators are loving being at the forefront of this new technology. We’ve worked closely with Jeannie Broadway with Durden Outdoor Displays and this is what she has to say about us, “Creativity is a phenomenon whereby something somehow new and somehow valuable is formed. Often times creativity is overlooked when describing technical aspects of our digital world. Lucit is a creative new software that has allowed us to take our clients to new levels, and Coldwell Banker Alfred Saliba Realty is the 1st realty company in the Southeast and the 2nd in the Nation to use the newest version of the software. Advertising on digital billboards with the Lucit app is as easy and as fast as posting to Instagram and Facebook. I am honored to partner with such creative innovation.”