How to add/remove Inventory Items to/from Rotation
Make sure you are using the account you would like to schedule an ad for by clicking on the account switcher on the top right of the screen and selecting the correct account.
From this home page, you can select the campaign you wish to schedule from.
Scroll down and you will see all your inventory under Creative Items. This could be properties, vehicles, equipment, etc. Those items with the teal font and a checkmark icon next to them are currently running in rotation.
Click the plus icon next to any item you’d like to add to rotation; it will immediately change to a checkmark, and you will be notified that it’s been successfully added to rotation.
Click the checkmark next to any item you’d like to remove from rotation; it will immediately change to a plus icon, and you will be notified that it’s been successfully removed from rotation.
If an item has a schedule attached to it you might not be able to add it back to rotation by clicking on the plus icon. You will have to first remove the schedule by clicking on the teal calendar and remove any current schedule conflicts.
Tip: Don’t want to scroll through all your inventory to find what you’re looking for? No problem. Where it says ‘Filter…’ type something to help you find the item you’re looking for. Example: For homes, this would be the street name, for vehicles this would be the make and model, etc.