If you have an older version without Live Link, use this help doc: How to Schedule Lucit in Formetco F360
Important Concepts
The Formetco F360 system has a tight integration with the Lucit platform allowing you to schedule Lucit campaigns with Live Link.
F360 Support Team has enabled Lucit on your F360 Installation
The Client and Campaign has been created in Lucit
You have scheduled the Contract in F360
In Lucit
(screenshots/steps may appear slightly different)
Login to Lucit, and make sure you are in the Operator account you manage by checking on the top right corner of the screen.
Click Campaigns.

Scroll down and find the campaign you with to link.
Click Link Player

Under the first section called “F360 (Live Link)”, Click the Copy to copy the Live Link URL.

In Formetco F360
(screenshots/steps may appear slightly different)
Go to the File Manager.
Click the Create Live Link button.

Paste in the URL that was copied from Lucit.

Type a file name - Typically: "Client Name - Lucit".

Click Create.

Once this is complete, you can schedule this campaign just like any other creative.