Did you know that property management companies can connect their listings to digital screens too? Just like real estate brokerages can. They can do all kinds of things with digital screens. Tell them all that they can do, and they’ll sign up.
Promote Open Units
Lucit will connect to rental management software or a website, and automatically generate creatives based on currently available units. They are able to add/remove the units they wish to run in rotation by clicking a plus or trash icon. As units are added or removed to the rental management software, they are automatically added or removed from Lucit. As changes occur, such as price or photo, those changes are automatically updated in Lucit.
Share Multiple Units
Rather than sharing individual units, use Lucit’s post feature to share multiple units such as ‘1-3 bedrooms available in this building’ or ‘Studio apartments available downtown.’
Announce Hiring Campaigns
Whether the search is on for a maintenance man or a property manager, Lucit’s post feature is the easiest and most efficient way for you to post hiring campaigns on the big screens. Click +Post, snap a pic of a current employee or grab a stock photo relevant to the ad, and type the open position; it’s that easy. Not necessary to email your sales rep about the content change, and not necessary to email your sales rep once the position has been filled, just open the app and click the trash icon.
Promote Amenities
Do you have pet-friendly units? Click +Post, choose a cute dog photo, and type ‘Pet-friendly units available!’ Do you have a pool in your building? Click +Post, choose a photo of the pool, and type ‘Apartment with a pool!’ The post feature is great for promoting rental amenities, especially seasonally. Post about your pools in the summer, post about your heated parking garages in the winter, etc. The creative scheduler can even be used to schedule each creative to run until the end of the season and then stop automatically.
Interested in pitching your local property management companies? Email gina@lucit.cc to help you with your pitch.