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Build a Lucit Data Source App

Connect your product data, or other data to Lucit by building a data source app that can feed data into Lucit

NOTE : As of the writing of this guide, all data source apps are typically built with the assistance of the Lucit Team

Key Concepts

  1. A "Data Source App" can be via 1 or 2 mechanisms : Pull or Push

  2. A an app can either be Private or Third Party

  3. An app can generate either a set of Key Value pairs, OR, can create a set of Inventory Items, each of which contain a set of data or key/value pairs unique to that item

Pull vs Push

Apps can be designed to be either "Pull" or "Push" type apps. The differences between these 2 are as follows



Who can develop?

Lucit Team

Lucit Team or Third Party Developer




Frequency of Data Updates

Automatically controlled via the App Settings

Must be controlled by developer

Where does app execute?

Within Lucit infrastructure

Within 3rd party developer infrastructure


Most Stable

Least Stable

App Types

Private and Third Party

Private App Only

Supports Generating Inventory Items



Supports generating Key Value Pairs attached to Accounts



Private vs Third Party

Private Apps : ONLY the developer of the app, or any person that they invite to that app, can attach it to an account

Third Party Apps : App is available in the Lucit App List for any user to attach to their account

Key Value Pairs vs Inventory Items

When setting up your app, it is important to think about how you want to present the data to be used by templates.

A Key Value Pair type app can generate a set of key/values that are stored and then updated at frequency. These keys can then be attached to one or more creatives.

Some good examples of Key Value Pair type data sources are

  • Current Stock price for a specific stock

  • Quote of the Day

  • Top 5 Medal Winners at the Olympics

  • Golf Tournament Leaderboard

As these values update, the creatives will then automatically update as well.

This type of app is best for simple data sources updating some basic keys with information that changes over time

An Inventory Item data source is for generating individual items of "Inventory" that appear, and then may later disappear, and can have individual creative templates assigned to each one

Each Inventory Item can store any amount of key/value pairs on them, but, the key names are consistent across your inventory for a data source.

Some good examples of Inventory Item data would be:

  • Games (Sports)

  • Events

  • Vehicles

  • Real Estate

  • eCommerce Products

Each item, when generated, then is attached to a template, and the Item -> Template combination is then used to build your creative.

Most complex data sources, are Inventory Item type data sources

Additional Notes

  1. Build a Push type App : See Your First Lucit Application for a step-by-step guide

  2. Give your app the Inventory Builder capability on the CAPABILITIES tab of your app settings

  3. Select the most appropriate permissions for the endpoints you wish to utilize

  4. Review the documentation for the accounts and, campaigns and inventory-items endpoints in the Lucit API

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