Different Creative Types
There are 4 potential types of creatives for any Lucit campaign. Inventory creatives are dynamic templates that promote inventory items such as vehicles, real estate properties, equipment, retail, merchandise, recreational vehicles, etc. Post creatives are dynamic templates that promote anything the advertiser would like based on a photo and caption they choose. Full-size creatives are graphics created outside of Lucit in the full size of the digital billboard. Business card creatives are dynamic templates that promote real estate agents.
Inventory Creatives:
When we say inventory, we could be referring to vehicles, real estate properties, equipment, retail merchandise, recreational vehicles, etc.
Inventory creatives are generated by using the automatic connection to your data feed to input inventory details (varies but can include photo, title, price, year, address, make, model, etc.) into an inventory template, chosen at campaign start. Below is an example of a blank inventory template; empty spaces are left for vehicle photo, title, year, and price. You will work with a graphic designer before your campaign starts to agree on what this template will look like for your campaign.
You can go into your campaign at any time and hit the plus icon next to any inventory item that you’d like to promote on your digital billboard campaign; due to the automatic data feed connection, all of your inventory will be listed in the app. Once you hit the plus icon on a vehicle, in this case, an inventory creative will be generated like the one below. Using the inventory item’s details, acquired through the automatic data feed connection, the photo, title, year and price are filled in the inventory template and an inventory creative is generated.
You are given the ability to edit the title, price, and override the primary photo for any of these inventory creatives. One thing that is important to understand about making any of these changes, is that once you manually change anything, that creative can no longer be updated by the data feed including price or photo changes, and it won’t be automatically removed once it’s sold. It’s best to make these changes through the inventory system rather than through Lucit, if possible.
As for other aspects of the template like the colors, the logos, the design elements, fonts, placement etc., that is not editable. Any static part of your template that is in on the blank template is not editable in the app. If you are wanting to make changes to the template, you will need to work with the graphic designer who initially created the inventory template and once the new template is complete, send it to your Lucit representative to have them update it for you in the app.
See the Lucit Creative Template Specs here:
Post Creatives:
Post creatives are generated when you choose a photo and a caption to be inputted into the post template, chosen at campaign start. Below is an example of a blank post template; empty spaces are left for a photo and a caption. You will work with a graphic designer before your campaign starts to agree on what this template will look like.
You can go into your campaign at any time and hit the +Post button to choose a photo, type a caption, and generate a post creative that you’d like to promote on your digital billboard campaign. Using your photo and caption, the blank photo and caption spaces are filled in the post template and a post creative is generated.
You are given the ability to edit the caption or delete your post creative once it’s been generated. The example provided was created for the specific purpose of promoting recent Bondy’s Nissan customers. However, post templates can also be extremely generic meaning one post template could potentially generate post creatives with all different purposes rather than a specific purpose.
Aspects of the post template like the colors, the logos, the design elements, fonts, placement etc. are not editable. Any static part of your template that is in on the blank template is not editable in the app. If you are wanting to make changes to the template, you will need to work with the graphic designer who initially created the post template and once the new template is complete, send it to your Lucit representative to have them update it for you in the app.
Full-Size Creatives:
Full-size creatives are created by you, an employee, a graphic designer, etc., they are not created in the Lucit app. A full-size creative is a graphic that has been created in the full size of the digital billboard; rather than being inserted into a template, it’s meant to cover the entire digital billboard space (see below for an example). No part of this graphic is dynamic, like with the templates; it’s a static image.
Full-size creatives are uploaded to the Lucit app to run in rotation on your digital billboard campaign by hitting the +Post button and choosing +Creative.
As these creatives are not made in the Lucit app, they are not editable in the Lucit app. You would want to delete the creative in the Lucit app, edit it wherever you made it, save the new image, and re-upload it to Lucit.
See our separate video on how to make your own full-size creatives in Canva for your digital billboard campaign:
See other Canva tutorials here:
Business Card Creatives:
This type of creative is only relevant to real estate agents or brokers. We recommend that agents have a business card creative to run when they don’t have any current listings to promote.
Business card creatives are generated by using the automatic connection to your data feed to input agent details (varies but can include agent name, photo, email address, phone number, etc.) into the brokerage’s business card template, chosen at campaign start. Below is an example of a blank business card template; empty spaces are left for agent photo, name, and phone number. You will work with a graphic designer before your campaign starts to agree on what this template will look like.
We recommend running this creative in your campaign at all times so that if you don’t have any listings to promote, you will at least have your brand recognition ad running. One of these creatives will be generated for each individual agent in the brokerage. The only editable part of the business card template is the agent photo. Agents can update their photo under Lucit’s personal settings, and that will update the photo used for their business card creative. As for name and phone number updates, it’s best to make those changes through the MLS system rather than through Lucit.
As for other aspects of the template like the colors, the logos, the design elements, fonts, placement etc., that is not editable. Any static part of your template that is in on the blank template is not editable in the app. If you are wanting to make changes to the template, you will need to work with the graphic designer who initially created the business card template and once the new template is complete, send it to your Lucit representative to have them update it for you in the app.