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Results found for "connectivity"

  • Connection to Any Player

    Contact Lucit today.

  • Connection to Client Data

    Lucit can connect to any inventory management system! By connecting to any inventory management system, Lucit's Real-Time Control empowers clients to sync billboard content with the current inventory status.

  • Connection to Dealer Management Software

    Connection to dealer management software Automotive dealerships are very familiar with the concept of third-party vendors connecting to their dealer management software.

  • Connect your CRM / CMS System to Lucit

    Connect your CRM system to Lucit to automate the process of building accounts and campaigns, and managing their account lists to Lucit to automate the process of adding clients to Lucit that they work with Connect NOTE : This is a temporary guide, more feature rich documentation of this feature is coming soon Key Concepts

  • Connect to Dealerships in a Few Hours

    We can turn around complete connectivity to most dealerships within a few hours. Once we’re connected, we can use that data to automatically generate creatives with their real-time inventory A contact at the dealership can login to Lucit whenever they wish to see a list of all their real-time This gives you a chance to see the process and understand how the connectivity works. Lucit representative will work with you to joint pitch the other dealerships in your area to get them connecting

  • Lucit Brings Inventory Connectivity to On-Premises Billboards

    With Lucit, sign owners can connect their data feeds to run inventory on their screens automatically. Lucit connects directly to data feeds to automatically generate creatives based on inventory. With Lucit's inventory connectivity, advertisers can streamline their billboard management process and and schedule their digital billboard creatives in real-time from their desktop or phone, and brings connectivity

  • Rentals Can Connect Their Listings Too

    Did you know that property management companies can connect their listings to digital screens too? Promote Open Units Lucit will connect to rental management software or a website, and automatically generate Not necessary to email your sales rep about the content change, and not necessary to email your sales

  • Meadow Outdoor is Now Connected to Lucit

    Bismarck, ND 04/02/2022 --- Lucit, the leading provider of digital billboard inventory connectivity software Meadow Outdoor’s clients are now able to connect to Lucit and automatically integrate their data with

  • Revolutionary Platform to Connect Vehicle Inventory Data to Digital Billboards

    With Lucit, dealerships can now connect their live vehicle inventory directly to digital billboards, The platform utilizes the latest technology to seamlessly connect dealerships' inventory management systems

  • Automotive Digital Billboards: Revolutionizing Dealership Advertising Through Connectivity

    By leveraging the power of connectivity and dynamic content, dealerships can now showcase their inventory With the integration of digital billboards, dealerships can now seamlessly connect their inventory management Lucit simplifies the process of connecting a dealership's inventory to digital billboards. Once connected, the dealership can log in to the Lucit app, see a list of their current inventory, and The era of traditional static billboards is fading, making way for the dynamic and connected future of

  • Gusaas Signs is Now Connected to Lucit

    Bismarck, ND 08/23/2021 --- Lucit, the leading provider of digital billboard inventory connectivity software Gusaas Sign’s clients are now able to connect to Lucit and automatically integrate their data with Lucit's

  • Lucit Expands Connectivity with AutoRevo for Enhanced Advertising Capabilities

    08/2022 --- Lucit is excited to announce its expanded connectivity with AutoRevo data feeds. With its user-friendly app, Lucit offers dealerships inventory connectivity, creative templates, real-time With Lucit's expanded connectivity, dealerships can expect enhanced control over their advertising campaigns

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